Double glazing cuts Beaconsfield resident’s lorry noise

Pensioner Bernard Turner, of North Drive, Beaconsfield has written to Buckinghamshire County Council on a number of occasions about the dirt and pollution caused by the many waste lorries which pass his house, just off the A40, on the way to junction three of the M40.

Veolia Environmental Services have applied to Bucks County Council to increase the lorry movements up to 710 a day in and out of the Springfield Farm landfill site in Broad Lane, Beaconsfield, on 50 days of the year. Beaconsfield Town Council have strongly objected on the basis that lorries will be passing through the town every 40 seconds during an eight hour day.

A statement from Beaconsfield Town Council “A further increase in lorry movements would be a safety hazard, create more noise and pollution in a built up area, be an intensification of industrial use of Green Belt land.”

Pensioner Bernard Turner was also quoted on the Buckinghamshire Advertiser website “The reality is that it is going to happen but I do not think it is a good idea. First it was the noise so I got double glazing. My main objection now is the dirt and pollution which means I have to clean my window sills once a month.”

Whilst double glazed windows dramatically reduce noise pollution, they can only keep out dirt and pollution from lorries if they are kept shut, so whilst I am delighted they have assisted Mr Turner’s plight, the only other improvement he could have installed at the same time to improve things was Pilkington Activ self cleaning glass. Even then he would have to clean his window cills, as to date, there is no such product as self cleaning window frames!


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