Give Aluminium Windows And Doors Serious Consideration

Just a few short years ago, when UK homeowners were considering replacing their existing windows and doors the only options they would contemplate would be UPVC or traditional timber frames but times have changed and so have buyer tastes. Aluminium frames are now hugely popular amongst property owners up and down the land and it is not difficult to see why as they offer a host of benefits:

Shapes and sizes for every type of home
The installation of aluminium windows and aluminium doors can completely transform the entire appearance of a home so you need to make sure that you get a window or door that sits easily. Luckily enough aluminium comes in a range of different shapes and sizes so finding an equally well-sized replacement couldn’t be easier.

When buying new windows, doors or aluminium conservatories you expect to get value for money and therefore want them to last as long as possible. Aluminium is weather-resistant so it is certain to retain its good looks even when it comes into direct contact with rain, snow or sleet. The wear and tear that becomes evident on traditional timber will not be evident on aluminium.
Far from only being available in a traditional white colour, aluminium frames can be finished in a wide range of eye-catching finishes. Finding a colour to suit the existing aesthetics of a home will be a breeze. Throughout the lifespan of an aluminium window, door or conservatory the highly durable powder coated finish chosen will stand the test of time.
You can make a home so much more secure simply by installing an aluminium frame as it will come fitted with a durable locking system and internal glazing, meaning that the chances of the lock being broken or glass removed are significantly reduced.


Our showrooms are our shop windows and we have invested heavily to create extensive displays that best showcase our large range of windows, doors and living spaces. You will receive a warm welcome, plus a proper coffee, and the choice to browse at your leisure without interruption.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 08000 825 825

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.

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